

Guides for Teachers

Table of Contents

Want to know more about the new content experience? Read about the differences to the classic.

    Getting Started

  1. Introductory Videos (in the Students Pages)
  2. Creating a Unit
  3. Adding Files to Content
  4. Creating an Announcement
  5. Activating your Course

Below you will find a list with links to all the DTU Learn guides categorized according to theme.

    Account Settings

  1. Change Date Format
  2. Change First Day of the Week
  3. Change Font Size
  4. Change Language
  5. Change Time Format


  1. Add a Panopto Video to an Announcement
  2. Creating an Announcement
  3. Replacement Strings for the HTML-Editor


  1. Creating an Assignment
  2. Assigning Evaluators
  3. Creating a Checklist
  4. Creating a Peer Review Assignment
  5. Creating a Video Assignment
  6. Evaluating Anonymous Assignments
  7. Individual Feedback on Group Assignment
  8. Release Conditions
  9. Send automatic Mail to Students using Intelligent Agents
  10. Using Ouriginal to Detect Plagiarism


  1. Creating an Attendance Scheme and Register
  2. Using the Attendance Scheme

    Brightspace Feature Request

  1. Creating a PIE-item


  1. Add Content to the Calendar
  2. Making Changes to Automatically Generated Course Calendar Events
  3. Subscribe to Calendar


  1. Add a Panopto Video to Content
  2. Adding a File to Manage Files
  3. Adding a File to Content from Manage Files
  4. Adding a ZIP-file to Manage Files
  5. Adding a Video from Panopto.dtu.dk
  6. Adding an Activity to Content
  7. Adding Files to Content
  8. Copying Course Components
  9. Creating a Course Overview
  10. Creating a Page
  11. Creating a Unit
  12. Creating and Issuing Awards
  13. Importing Files from CampusNet
  14. Linking activities to a Page
  15. The New Content Experience
  16. Replacement Strings for the HTML-editor
  17. Updating the Content Layout
  18. Using LaTeX in the HTML-editor
  19. Using the Course Builder
  20. Using the LOR to Share Content
  21. View Content Statistics

    Course Administration

  1. Activating your Course
  2. Adding a User to your Course
  3. Adding a Test Student to your Course
  4. Changing User Enrolment
  5. Copying a Course
  6. Creating Subgroups in DTU Inside That Transfer to DTU Learn
  7. Exporting Classlist/Groups to CSV/Excel
  8. Manage all Dates in your Course
  9. Resetting your Course
  10. Send Automatic Emails to Late Enrolled Students

    Course Homepage

  1. Creating a Custom Course Homepage
  2. Creating a Welcome Widget
  3. Customize the NavBar
  4. Edit your standard Course Homepage
  5. Replacement Strings for the HTML-Editor


  1. Creating a Discussions Forum

    DTU Templates

  1. Using a DTU Template
  2. Using a DTU Template - Copy Elements
  3. Using a DTU Template - Change Banner
  4. Using a DTU Template - Change Banner (Banner List)


  1. Creating an FAQ


  1. A. Setting up the Grade Book
  2. B. Setting up a Grading Scheme
  3. C. Setting up a Grade Item
  4. D. Connecting a Grade Item to an Activity
  5. Bulk Upload of Feedback Files
  6. Creating a Rubric
  7. Find Grades for Unenrolled Users
  8. Grading Panopto In-Video Quiz
  9. Import Grades to Gradebook from Excel files


  1. Auto Enroll Remaining Students after Self Enrollment to Groups
  2. Creating Groups
  3. Creating Subgroups in DTU Inside That Transfer to DTU Learn
  4. Exporting Classlist/Groups to CSV/Excel
  5. Individual Feedback on Group Assignment

    Microsoft Teams

  1. Chatting in a Meeting
  2. Create a new Channel on Microsoft Teams
  3. Creating a Microsoft Teams Meeting
  4. Creating Breakout Rooms during a Meeting
  5. Creating Breakout Rooms for before a scheduled Meeting
  6. List of Features in a Teams Meeting
  7. The Loop Function on MS Teams
  8. Record a Meeting on Teams
  9. Schedule a Meeting
  10. Selecting the View of Students in a Teams Meeting
  11. Share Function in a MS Meeting
  12. Starting a Meeting
  13. Using the Microsoft Teams Course Connector


  1. Introductory Videos (in the Students Pages)
  2. Overview of the Course Homepage
  3. Overview of the DTU Learn Interface
  4. Overview of the Manage Files Tool


  1. Add a Panopto Video to an Announcement
  2. Add a Panopto Video to Content
  3. Uploading a Video to Panopto

    Peer Review (FeedbackFruits)

  1. Creating a Peer Review Assignment
  2. FeedbackFruits Criteria
  3. Peer Review Grading

    Personal Lockers

  1. Using Personal Lockers to Store Files


  1. Creating a Quiz
  2. Importing a quiz using CSV
  3. Adding a Question to the Question Library
  4. Remove Quiz Question after Quiz Completion
  5. How to create a live quiz using Vevox

    Roles and Permissions

  1. Changing User Enrolment
  2. Teaching Assistant Roles


  1. Creating a Survey
  2. Creating a Survey Report
  3. Adding a Question to the Question Library


  1. Exporting Groups to Preassigned Breakout Rooms in Zoom