DTU Learn Support


Manage all Dates in your Course

This tutorial shows how to manage dates for all activities in your course.

Follow these steps:

  1. Open your Course Admin from you Navbar.
  2. Click on 'Manage Dates'.
  3. To look for specific activities in your course select 'Specific Tools' or use the advanced filter to search for items from a specific time range. Then click on 'Apply Filter'.
  4. You can edit the dates of a specific item by clicking on the arrow next to the item and selecting 'Edit Dates'.
  5. In the pop-up window change all dates to the desired date and click on 'Save'.
  6. If you select several items by checking off the box in front of their name, you can bulk edit or bulk offset the dates.
    Below is the offset function shown.
  7. To offset the dates you can select to offset by a specific range if you know the exact amount of days and hours that should be offset.
  8. Alternatively you can choose to offset by a calculated range between two dates.
    To finish click on 'Save'.
  9. In the overview of your dates you can also select if you want to add the start/end dates in your course calendar by checking of the boxes as shown below.
  10. To remove the end date for all listed items, select all items and click on 'Bulk Edit Dates'.
  11. Check the box under 'End Dates' and click on the field next to the box to open the drop-down menu, where you can choose to select 'Remove'. Finish by clicking on 'Save'.