A List of Features in a Teams Meeting
This list shows the most important features of a meeting on Microsoft Teams.
- The first function is the chat function. By clicking on the speach bubble a chat window opens. Here all participants of the meeting can chat. You can find more insight on the chat on this guide: Chatting in a Meeting
- The 'People' function shows a list of all participants in the meeting. By clicking on the three dots above the list you can download the list or lock the meeting where no one else will be able to join the meeting.
- With the 'Raise' function students can raise their hand, which will be shown in the list of participants.
- You can change the display of the participants in the meeting by clicking on 'View'. This guide shows all the options to select: Selecting the View of Students in a Teams Meeting
- Under 'Rooms' you can create breakoutrooms. After clicking on the icon you can specify the settings for the breakout rooms.
- By clicking on 'More' you can record an transcribe the meeting. Remember to upload the video to Panopto if desired. This guide gives more insight on the matter: Record a Meeting on Microsoft Teams
- To share your screen select 'Share'. Here is a guide with more explanation to the 'Share' function: Share Function in an MS Meeting
- By clicking on the arrow next to the 'Leave' button you have the option to end the meeting for every participant.