

Group Member Evaluation

Using FeedbackFruits for Group Member Evaluation lets students give feedback on collaboration skills to peers.

Follow these steps:

  1. Open the content page on your course and click on 'Add Existing'.
  2. Select 'Feedback Fruits'.
  3. Select the kind of feedback you want our students to give, depending on whether the review should be whithin a group or not. In this guide we will look on the option of 'Group Member Evaluation'.
  4. Give the evaluation a name and instructions.
  5. Create the conditions for the assignment like the due date for handing in the assignment and the due date for reviewing the assignment under 'Submissions'. Click on the purple 'Configure' button to create criteria for the evaluation. You can find a guide for the different criteria here: Create Criteria for FeedbackFruits
  6. You can add as many of each criterion as needed or add criteria from other FeedbackFruits. Click on 'Copy' or 'Next' and then 'Done' when finished.
  7. You can edit or delete the grading.
  8. Finish by clicking on 'Save'.