DTU Learn Support


Customize Navbar

Customizing your navbar may create a better experience and a clear learning path for your students. Get rid of elements you aren't using and add internal and external links.

In this tutorial we will start out showing how to create a new link group and how to modify an old group. If you only want to add a link or make small adjustments, go to the third part of this tutorial, called: Create new navbar.

Create new link group:
  1. From your course, click the button on the right hand side of the navbar, and select Manage All Course Navbars.
  2. Select Custom Links.
  3. You can choose between creating a new link or a new link group. In this case we want to Create a new Link Group
  4. Start with a name and a desription for the link group. You can add existing links, eg. assignments or attendance, or you can create a new link. In this course I want to create new links to external resources that the students will find useful.
  5. When the links have been created, click Save. To add the new group to the navbar go to the third part of this tutorial: Create New Navbar
Modify a link group:
  1. From your course, click the button on the right hand side of the navbar, and select Manage All Course Navbars.
  2. Select Custom Links.
  3. Select the link group you want to modify. Click the small arrow and select copy. You need to make a new copy, when the original is a part of a default navbar (look in your right hand side of the screen to see this info).
  4. You can now see your new copy. Select this.
  5. You might want to change the name and description to avoid confusion. You can delete links be clicking the (x) and change position by dragging the 8 small dots around. Add existing Links or Create New Links. Click Save when you are done.
Create new navbar:
  1. From your course, click the button on the right hand side of the navbar, and select Manage All Course Navbars.
  2. On this page you can see the active navbar and you can see the available navbars. To create a new you can click Create Navbar or you can copy an existing. This might be easier, unless you want to make massive changes. In this example we will make a copy.
  3. Select the new copy. Some navbars are "Shared from DTU Learn" This means that you can´t modify or change them. And that is the reason that you need to make a copy.
  4. Give you navbar a name.
  5. You can delete the links and link groups by clicking the x.
  6. After deleting the links you don´t want, you can add new links.
  7. Select the link groups or links you want to add.
  8. When you are done editing, hit Save and Close
  9. To change the active navbar, click the drop-down arrow...
  10. ...and select the new navbar. Click Apply.
  11. The new navbar is now visible in the course.