DTU Learn Support


Creating a Survey Report

This guide shows how to create a survey report, which allows you to see the responses to your survey.

Follow these steps:

  1. Access your course.
  2. Click "Course Content" and then "Surveys".
  3. Open the dropdown menu for the survey you want to create a report for.
    Click "Edit".
  4. Click "Reports setup".
  5. Click "Add Report".
  6. Change the "Report Name" to your liking.
    Choose the report type you want.
    Choose who you want to release the report to. Usually this would be teachers but it can be chosen after your specific needs.
  7. Under the list of surveys, click "Reports".
    If you can't find the list of surveys, step 1 and 2 shows you how to go to the survey list
  8. The report you have created can now be found by clicking the name of the report.