

Teaching Assistant Roles

Teaching Assistants are DTU students who are employed on a course to help out teachers with various activities.
Since they are students at DTU, they are assigned a role with limited permissions.

There are two Teaching Assistant roles in DTU Learn: Teaching Assistant and Teaching Assistant Plus, each with different levels of permissions.
The Teaching Assistant role is similar to the student role but allows giving feedback on assignments, viewing all groups, and accessing hidden course content. The Teaching Assistant Plus role is closer to the teacher role.

For employees at DTU, the Teacher or Admin role should be used. These two roles have the same set of permissions within a course. The only difference is the role listed in Classlist.

To help you pick the right one, the following table shows an overview of their permissions in your course in DTU Learn:

Function Teaching Assistant Teaching Assistant Plus
Enrol Users
Manage content modules/topics
Create/Edit assignments
Give feedback on assignments
Publish feedback on assignments
Accessing Grades
Create/Edit groups
Create/Edit quizzes
Create/Edit surveys
See all groups
See hidden objects in content
Use the LOR